"Inspired strictly by quality, safety and traceability."

From conception to marketing
We manage the entire production from our site (Carros France) :
- The supply (active ingredients, excipients, packaging)
- Assembly protocols (dosing, blending/compression)
- To the finished and packaged products that leave our site.
The procedures defined in the specifications are put in place at each step, from design to marketing.
The manufacture of the Pronutri complexes is carried out according to the strictest standards to ensure safety and traceability (ISO 9001 and European Directive 2002/46, FDA certifications).
To meet the requirements, our products are made in France within a unit complies with the applicable standards.

Innovative products
In a concern of requirement, the products are manufactured in France within a unit in conformity with the applicable standards.
They are the result of 30 years of research and expertise. Pronutri Laboratories have developed tested and innovative solutions with a specific ethical approach.
In addition, our products are guaranteed GMO-free, pesticide-free and free of heavy metals.
Des produits innovants
Dans un souci d’exigence, les produits sont fabriqués en France au sein d’une unité conforme aux normes applicables. Ils sont l’aboutissement de 30 années de recherches et d’expertise. C’est dans une approche à visée éthique spécifique que les Laboratoires Pronutri ont mis au point des solutions expérimentées et innovantes.
De plus, nos produits sont garantis sans OGM, sans pesticides et sans métaux lourds.

Conception et Développement
Notre R&D se définit par notre capacité à optimiser l’information moléculaire dans nos produits, en potentialisant l’émission de l’information de ladite molécule dans une action de synergie globale.
Nos moyens
- Des moyens techniques
Process de libération contrôlée
Laboratoire interne
2 Brevets galéniques
Certification ISO 9001/2008
Homologation FDA CFR 21 - Des méthodologies rigoureuses
Sélections des actifs naturels en fonction de la cible sous contrainte règlementaire.
Protocole d’assemblage des actifs
Tests scientifiques et galéniques en laboratoire interne
Tests cliniques (CIR) in vivo - Des ressources humaines expertes
Chercheurs dédiés
- Résultats optimalisés garantis pour l’usager dans un temps record
- Totale absence d’effets secondaires
Conception and development
Our R&D is defined by our ability to optimize information in our products, by potentiating the emission of molecular the information of the said molecule in a global synergistic action.
Our means
- Technical means
Controlled release process
In-house laboratory
2 Galenic patents
ISO 9001/2015 certification
FDA CFR 21 approval - Rigorous methodologies
Selection of natural active ingredients according to the target under regulatory constraints.
Protocol for assembling the active ingredients
Scientific and galenical tests in internal laboratory
In vivo clinical tests (CIR)
Expert human resources
Machine Operators
Preparatory laboratory technicians
Our R&D is defined by our ability to optimize information in our products, by potentiating the emission of molecular the information of the said molecule in a global synergistic action.

Our means
- Technical means
Clean room, absolute filtration
Customized mixing machine based on our processes
Compressor, conditioner, blister packer - Rigorous methodologies
Process no touch
ISO9001/2015 certification
Optimization of incoming and outgoing flows.
Assembly protocol
Preparation, compression, packaging
Systematic quality control (raw material, calibration, yield measurement) - Expert human resources
Operators Preparatory
Laboratory technicians
A tool, means and processes that are totally controlled guaranteeing the best practices and standards in the industry.
Nos moyens
- Des moyens techniques
Salle blanche, filtration absolue
Machine de mélange customisée à partir de nos process
Comprimeuse, conditionneuse, blistéreuse - Des méthodologies rigoureuses
- Process no touch
Certification ISO9001/2008
Optimisation des flux entrants et sortants.
Protocole d’assemblage
Préparation, compression, conditionnement
Contrôle qualité systématique (matière première, étalonnage, mesure des rendements) - Des ressources humaines expertes
Opérateurs de machine
Préparateurs laborantins
Un outil, des moyens et des process totalement maîtrisés garantissant les meilleures pratiques et normes en vigueurs dans l’industrie.

Our Quality Commitment
Pronutri Laboratories are committed to ensuring the safety and quality of their products. Thus, our laboratory is certified by its techniques and standards of regulations:
- Compliant with FDA CFR21 regulations on traceability.
- ISO 9001/2015 standard guaranteeing an optimal quality since 2006.

Our Industrial Properties
- INPI portfolio of patents and trademarks Nutri®, Nutripuncture®, Bien être®, Chrono®.
- R&D programs: Biofortis, Cen Nutrient, Belgian University of Pharmacy

Pronutri Products
Made in France
Our products are made in France, in Carros. Our Pronutri ranges are composed of solutions with natural active ingredients and bioavailable properties